Share Your Wishes Today
By becoming an organ donor, you could potentially save the lives of up to 9 people and enhance many more. We think that is incredible! Just think of all those families.
It is our mission to make sure that everyone we reach is inspired to become an organ donor. However, it is imperative that once you have signed the register you Share Your Wishes with those you love.
3 people die in the U.K every day waiting for an organ transplant and there are currently around 6800 waiting for that lifesaving call.
We strongly believe that if you would take an organ for someone you love, you should be willing to give one.
If you have a story you would like to share please contact us
and hopefully together we can make a difference.
If you would like to share your stories with us on our social media platforms,
please use this form and a member of our team will get back to you.
By becoming an organ donor, you could potentially save the lives of up to 9 people and enhance many more. We think that is incredible! Just think of all those families.
The legislation for Wales is ‘deemed consent. This means that if you haven’t registered an organ and tissue donation decision (opt-in or opt-out), you will be considered to have no objection to becoming a donor.